create a listing

What type of listing would you like to add?

Choose a Package

Basic Property Ad


  • Number of ads : 1/month
  • Logo of the agency : No
  • Banner/advertising : No

Premium Property Ad

350,00DH / month

  • Number of ads : 4 /month
  • Logo of the agency : No
  • Banner/advertising : No
Prices are exclusive of VAT for a 1 year registration other options are available for 3 and 6 months subscription

Gold Property Ad

830,00DH / month

  • Number of ads : 12/month
  • Logo of the agency : Yes
  • Banner/advertising : No
Prices are exclusive of VAT for a 1 year registration other options are available for 3 and 6 months subscription

Platine Property Ad

1,500,00DH / month

  • Number of ads : 25/month
  • Logo of the agency : Yes
  • Banner/advertising : Yes ( 2 boxes of 1 week)
Prices are exclusive of VAT for a 1 year registration other options are available for 3 and 6 months subscription